Thursday, 29 August 2019

Scottish silver brings the Edinburgh Festival to a close

The Edinburgh Festival has finished, bigger than ever this year with over over 3000 separate productions, each performing up to 20 times.  I just love it, and  don't care if the city is overcrowded.   Now September beckons and I am paying my annual homage to Scottish jewellery, with work by Malcolm Gray of Ortak in Orkney, Carrick Jewllery Ltd of Glasgow, and Ola Gorie in Orkney,

For further details and to place your order, go to the website

item 2155,  Ortak modernist Sterling pendant with pale quartz stone,  SOLD

item 2156,  Ortak modernist pendant+ leather cord necklace,  SOLD

item 2157 ,  Ortak Rennie Mackintosh style silver brooch with box,  SOLD

item 2158 , Carrick Rennie Mackintosh style oval  silver brooch,  SOLD

item  1651, Carrick Rennie Mackintosh style silver rose studs,  cost £28

item  1908, Carrick Rennie Mackintosh style medium rectangular grid brooch, costs £40

item 2159,  Carrick Mackintosh-style Sterling silver grid ear studs,  cost  £28

item 1219,   Ola Gorie 'Carron' pattern scarf brooch, costs £ 95

item 2160,  Ola Gorie Sterling silver 'Tudor' ear studs with box,,  SOLD

item 2161,  Ola Gorie Sterling silver 'Thistle' cufflinks,  cost  £88

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Danish modernist pewter and brutalist silvertone jewellery

Here is a collection of Danish modernist pewter pendants and a bracelet,  including 4 pieces by Jørgen Jensen, as well as some dramatic, brutalist style silvertone arm cuffs and a ring, 3 of which are by Dansk Smykkekunst.  Enjoy!

For further details and to place your order, go to the website

item 1413,
 Jørgen Jensen pewter  three dish pendant + chain,   SOLD

item 0371,
 Jørgen Jensen  pewter  two dish pendant + chain,   SOLD

item 2148,  Jørgen Jensen cuboid pewter dish pendant + chain,   SOLD

item 1031,
 Jørgen Jensen pewter  agate  pebbles pendant + chain,   SOLD

item 2149,  Troels Tin pewter pendant + chain, costs £ 36

item  2150,  ÅA  Denmark brutalist pewter bracelet,  costs £ 49

item 2151,  Dansk Smykkekunst silvertone arm cuff,  costs £75

item 2152,  Dansk Smykkekunst brutalist goldtone pendant,  costs £60

item 2153,   Dansk Smykkekunst amethyst silvertone ring,  costs £60

item 2154,   Chromica silvertone amethyst arm cuff,  costs £58

Friday, 2 August 2019

Danish silver jewellery with animal motifs

Here is a collection of delightful  midcentury silver jewellery from Denmark.  There are pendants, bracelets, brooches, a pair of earrings and a ring. Most of them are in the Art Deco style and they all feature an animal: birds, deer and gazelles, squirrels, fish and even an insect .
Designers include Eiler & Marløe, Chr.Veilskov, Hugo Grün and Fir.  Munksgaard

for further details and to place your order, go to the website

item 2139,   Chr.Veilskov silver bird pendant + chain,  SOLD

item 2140 ,  Munksgaard  Sterling silver bird brooch, no. 327, costs £88

item 2141,  Hugo Grün Sterling silver bird ear clips, SOLD

item 2142,  Hansen & Andersen silver grouse pendant + chain,  costs £60

item 2143, Hans Jensen silver insect pendant + chain, SOLD

item 2144,  Erikson & Kromann silver fish ring, costs  £ 85

item 2145,  Eiler & Marløe silver fish pendant + chain, no.321, SOLD

item 2146,   Eiler & Marløe silver gazelle bracelet, no.117, costs  SOLD

item 2009, Eiler & Marløe silver kneeling deer brooch,  SOLD

item 2147,   I B Jensen silver squirrel bracelet,  costs £125